Saturday, 26 April 2014

On apathy and other things.

This is my first blog so I am a little trepidacious as I type. Inspired by a good friend and irked by the sometimes narrow minded views on Facebook, I signed up. FB, as I shall now refer to it, can be a wonderful way to connect with relatives in far flung places, watch the antics of beloved pets and laugh at ridiculousness of some comments. When it comes to serious causes that are close to my heart, few bother to get involved. I suppose people are more want to consider the pretty, the good and shy away from things that don't directly affect them or make them think.  Understandable in this day and age where stress is the norm I suppose. However, I personally feel that apathy is an awful thing. There is always a way to do something. If I cannot help, can I find someone who can?  Maybe this is more a part of my personality and paramedic training, but I fear for a society in which the phrase "don't tell me, I don't want to know" is becoming the norm.  This is also true when it comes to anyone or anything that is perceived as different. As a practising psychic, I have experienced this first hand. Strangely enough, although terribly sceptic, some people are fascinated. I have learned how to cope with the naysayers because I have been doing this for a very long time. I am secure in my "otherworldly knowledge." It is just such a pity that my "information" that could help is often overlooked as rubbish. That said, I have been able to help, particularly in missing people cases and one person found is a triumph to me. Are we humans really naieve enough to believe that  unless we can see something, it is not there? I cannot explain where the images, words or feelings come from, but I know that what I experience is real and relevant. What I get often makes no sense to me, but means something to others. Sometimes the clues are almost riddle-like. Having this gift is a blessing and a curse. It takes me into dark corners of society and gives me glimpses of life I would rather not see. I choose to accept this though because I am sometimes able to give hope in a seemingly hopeless situation.

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