Friday, 10 October 2014

Thoughts on challenge.

Challenge is something I thrive on.  For me, life without a challenge or ten would not be worth living.  Challenge for me is a self-test.  It has nothing to do with pitting myself against others, it has to do with my inner drive to succeed, solve a difficult problem, survive even.  I like to think I would not give up when others have.  Television programs like 'Survivor' appeal to me, but I probably would not do well because I am not a devious person.  I am able to read people well so picking up deception would not be difficult, but playing mind games is not my modus operandi.  I like to win fair and square, on my own merit rather than be cheated, that just makes me cross!  Another thing that makes me cross is people who throw in the towel when things become difficult.  I understand letting things go, but people who move from place to place, person to person, doctrine to doctrine searching for perfection are usually doomed to failure.  Make the best of what you have and who you are.  Strive for your dreams and don't be afraid to question, explore and of course challenge yourself.  How will you know what you can accomplish unless you have tried?

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