Tuesday, 28 September 2021

The beginning. Observations. Covid-19 March 2020

So, here we all are in the midst of a pandemic.  The news channels of the world report nothing else.  Numbers of fatalities rise daily on the ticker tapes.  New terms have been coined such as social distancing, self isolation, testing, quarantine.  Even the name of the virus 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Corona Virus, Covid-19, SARS-coV-2 is enough to perplex one, but what about everything else surrounding this outbreak?
Many countries are in lock down, including South Africa.  In fact South Africa has had one of the most draconian lock downs of all.  A level 5 state of disaster was initially introduced at the end of March.  Even now that the threat level has been reduced to 4, no one is allowed out of their homes unless the trip is essential.  Food shopping and seeking medical assistance being two examples.  Police and the army man road blocks to check on where citizens are going and receipts proving a trip are checked.  Alcohol and cigarettes have been banned and many non-essential goods cannot be bought.  This lock down has caused many negative spin-offs, the main one being no work no pay for a huge number of casual workers.  This has resulted in a severe lack of money and therefore the inability to buy food in many areas.  Hungry people are beyond desperate and there have been riots at the lack of promised government assistance.  During these riots social distancing has fallen by the wayside.  Food trucks have been stoned, overturned and looted.  Bottle stores have been looted and the black market trade in cigarettes and liquor is roaring.  Hints at corruption and improper distribution of food parcels are rife.  Starving people shout at TV camera's that they would rather die of Covid-19.  On the other hand, the more affluent areas have set up food drives that have bridged the gap and fed thousands all funded from kind public pockets, but sadly this cannot go on indefinitely as once thriving businesses fail.  In the midst of all this, some feel that flaunting the rules to go out and walk their dogs, visit friends or jog is their right.  This has caused an outcry from law abiding citizens and accusations of snitching curtain-twitchers from others.  Facebook is flooded with angry commentary from both sides.  The idea that the social distancing that a lock down ensures contains the spread seems silly to some who argue "How can one person jogging spread the disease?"  Well, logically it can't, but if one does it others will follow suit and then what is the point of  containment?  Now that the threat level has been lowered and exercise is allowed between 6am and 9am, joggers and walkers swarm in the dark early morning hours.  Surfers have staged protests as the sea is off limits.  Accusing, angry voices shout loudly as the authorities attempt to enforce the law.   Some are happy to remain at home while others kick with all their might against the lock down.  The differing points of view have caused rifts as ripples of resentment and anxiety abound and people tut-tut the views of others.   It would appear that to date very little is known about this virus.  The news reports flip flop from one fact to another.  We don't know for sure where it came from.  Some suggest a mutation from bats to pangolins, others suggest it was man-made.  It would seem from the way it has engulfed the world that it is virulent.  It would also seem that in critical cases death is assured as it attacks the lungs, overwhelms the system and causes multi-organ failure.  This risk is especially high in people with underlying cardiac and lung disease, diabetes, immunosupression and increased age.  Spread is said to be via exhaled droplets from infected people.  These droplets land on surfaces and the virus is further spread by contaminated hands touching faces.  Ironically the best way to protect ourselves is to simply wash hands well with soap.  Cleaning surfaces from car door handles, steering wheels and gear sticks to counters has become common place, as has the sanitizing of anything that has the potential to be infected such as keys, glasses and shopping.  Shoes are sanitized, clothes are washed immediately and people shower after going out into the world.  Masks have suddenly become a standard piece of apparel.  People are manufacturing and selling cloth masks left, right and center.  There is no standard in place yet, so this may pose a problem due to the miniscule size of the droplets breaching the weave of the fabric.   The reason so many health care workers are testing positive seems to be because they are in constant close contact with patients and despite being dressed like Ghostbusters in Personal Protective Equipment, the virus still manages to spread.  The lack of consistent information and the dearth of fake news masquerading as fact does not help quell the underlying panic.  The absence of the usual tried and tested medical treatment we have come to expect has humanity on the back foot.  This has caused a slew of conspiracy theories hinting at all manner of domination tactics by the powers that be.  Some are outraged that their freedom is being purposely curtailed saying Covid-19 is no worse than the annual influenza outbreaks.  There are those who are of the opinion that despite high fatalities, there is no such thing as Covid-19.  There are theories about the 5G connection and the real reason behind the future vaccine is to nano-chip us all.  These theories may or may not have a kernel of truth in their origins, but the bottom line is there is something out there that is spreading rapidly and is killing people.  To down play or deny the existence of this unprecedented global event seems rather naive until we know more.  Human psychology will find ways to attempt to make an abnormal situation seem normal and if the situation is beyond their control, find sometimes bizarre ways to justify it.  Wherever Covid-19 came from or whatever it's purpose actually is is neither here nor there, it is a threat to health, to wealth and our mental well being as humans.  To nature however, it is a blessing.

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