Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Death as I see it.

No matter what, death is inevitable at some stage. It is a feared conclusion to life for the young, less so for older people and sometimes welcomed by the elderly or the terminally ill.  It is those who are left behind who are affected.  People try to sidestep the grief of those bereaved as they fear grieving themselves. Death, dying and the aftermath is a lonely process for those involved because it is avoided by others and terribly misunderstood.  When people discover that I have worked on ambulances, they often comment on the fact that I must have witnessed death.  They ask with trepidation about how I cope.  I have an understanding because death is part of life. I have an understanding because I feel that death is simply stepping beyond the veil. I do not believe in heaven and hell.  It is part of the human condition to threaten with judgement.  Hell, in my understanding, is here on earth!  I feel that heaven is an ideal way of being, where all knowledge is, all beauty and everything is possible. When people are dying, I often see them standing next to their physical bodies.  I feel immensely privileged to be the one to silently tell them what has happened and to point them in the right direction.  The right direction is up to them, either back into their bodies or towards the light.  It is a truth that loved ones who have already died wait to welcome.  This has never been a frightening aspect of my life, it just is as it is.  Another comforting understanding is that dead loved ones are but a thought away.  So many people tell me that they wish they could speak to their loved ones and I say, but you can!  Just allow your mind to float and listen.  It may be your voice you hear, but the words will comfort.  Be open to signs.  A sign could be a song on the radio, it could be a beautiful bird in an unusual setting.  It will resonate.  Dreams are another common way communication takes place, especially shortly after the death.  Be open, don't doubt. Ask for advice, ask for comfort and you will receive it. People scoff at the notion that all this could be true. I ask, why shouldn't it be?

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