Saturday, 17 May 2014

The odd need to fabricate.

Quite rational human beings have a way of suddenly becoming rather "all knowing" when it comes to passing on of the juicy "facts" of a matter.  I have noticed this on Facebook ad nauseum and while listening to conversation about, say, a missing person's case I am immersed in.  The gist of the story told is true, but the facts are twisted and parts of the story, fabricated. I never divulge any information until all is said and done because that is the way I am.  My paramedic training taught me to be covert with information about a patient as a matter of ethics so I tend to be like that as a matter of course.  I hear all manner of clearly made up facts about incidents I have attended to and I have to wonder why.  Is it the enjoyment of being "the one to know," the shocked look on the faces of others when particularly imaginative gruesome details are described?  People insist they know first hand because their brother's neighbour's best friend witnessed the event!  Is it boredom, glory seeking or the endless quest for likes on FB?  Is it the need to start a frenzy or incite panic so the perpetrator can sit back on the safe side of cyberspace and revel in their hollow victory?  I like to collect facts, but I make sure those facts are correct and in context.  Anyone can edit a picture to suit their needs these days as well as change the tone of an article with a slightly different use of words.  Putting a conspiracy spin on things is another way people turn something simple into something perhaps indelicate.  I like to look at all angles and I admit to being a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but carefully and with discretion.  How else would an amateur armchair detective such as I solve cases?  Think as a criminal would think and expect the unexpected, of course. I find it fascinating to put myself in the shoes of other minds! I am sure I will find the answer to my wonderings, but in the meantime, I encourage people to think for themselves, question, research and don't fabricate stories for effect. Someone out there knows the truth of the matter.

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