Saturday, 3 May 2014

Healing hands.

As with intuitive ability being part of every human being, so I believe, is the ability to harness healing power. The concept of healing hands is not new, but it is looked upon with some contempt in our modern society. Quick cures doled out by medical practitioners are seen as the way to go, not mumbo-jumbo.  Everything has a place and a balanced combination of orthodox and alternative medicine makes good sense to me. Yet, a mother will naturally hold her hurt child and touch the spot to make it better.  If the intention is to heal so it will be.  In the practice of Reiki, universal energy is harnessed to heal for the patient's greatest good. Hands are placed either on or above the patient's body.  Often a feeling of comfortable warmth is commented on by the person.  There are no instant results and people are sceptical that any healing has taken place.  After a while people report not only healing, but also a shift in consciousness towards a more peaceful way of being.  Healing can be sent to whomever may require it, across the globe if need be using thought alone.  Humans need to try and understand that we are capable of great things if we just allow ourselves to do them.  And by the way, no title is going to make natural healing ability more powerful.  Intention is the vehicle, that is all.

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