Friday, 2 May 2014


Resonance is the quality in a sound, and spoken words are sound. True words spoken resonate in a different way to words that are untrue. This is why it is easy to uncover lies if you listen to the music of speech.  Physiologically the stress that underpins lying causes vocal pitch to rise a little. Human beings are more inclined to tell the truth so the mental stress of lying causes unnatural body language and speech patterns to name but a few indicators.  Listening is so important and few have mastered the skill.  Most are formulating their next imput instead of concentrating on the conversation. Conversation is incredibly complex. Not only are there words, but it matters what type of words are used. Pitch and tone of how the words are said, body movement or lack thereof, eye contact and reading between the lines all play a role.  For a person trained in interrogation, sniffing out deception is usually very easy. For us mere mortals, a little more difficult, although we are aware that something does not feel right. Even if we don't know what to look for, our subconscious mind has picked up on a lack of resonance.  I wonder if one of the reasons why the world is such a difficult place to live in is because the "nails on a chalk board" sound of lies has overtaken the beautiful melody of truth and resonates around us causing disharmony in the ether.  

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